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Healthcare economist at Harvard who studies, among many things, pharmaceutical pricing.  Went to a talk he gave a few years ago, where advanced the idea that American society might not be ready to have conversations about trading off portions of GDP to pay for increasingly expensive, rationally priced drugs.  Suggested if that's the case, we maybe shouldn't pursue developing those drugs.  I don't know how seriously he's committed to that idea, but incredibly interesting to hear the argument.



Jenny is my teaching spirit animal.  UBC stats/data science professor, stat545 developer/instructor, RStudio software engineer.  Developed stat545, in part, to focus on the stuff people actually need to know & use as opposed to focusing on theory.  Chose to focus on data wrangling & interfacing spreadsheets with R because she thought it was valuable & felt like machine learning is pretty crowded.  I'll be the millionth person to thank-you for being who you are, Jenny.





An interesting guy who formerly was a stats / epi professor at the University of Florida, and has transitioned to a private sector role as health informatics director at Moffitt Cancer Center.  Writes pretty extensively about the systematic issues and difficulties of academic data science, and what led to his transition away from tenure-track academic life.  Interesting to me, since so many of us in data science are sort of straddling an academic and private sector line, and trying to figure out what an ideal position looks like.  



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